Assign, install and work with StockSharp Installer.

Assign, install and work with StockSharp Installer.

The Installer allows you to:
- download and install Designer, Terminal, Hydra
- buy or install connectors MT 4, MT 5, MatLab
- buy and install additional software
- install the program together with bought connectors
- track the process of purchasing new programs
- download the API library and automatically tracks its updates.
- download the purchased training lessons, the Shell.

How to install the program:

1. Download stocksharp_setup.exe (.NET 6 will be installed automatically).

2. Start the installation file stocksharp_setup.exe and follow the instructions.
Sometimes Windows prevent the installation and pop up the warning like below:
Smart screen eng
In this case click More info in the warning window. You'll get the next one:
Smart Screen eng run
After clicking "Run anyway" button the installation begins.

3. After installation, open the program window.


How to work with Installer:

Installer allows you to:
- select programs available for download
- manage updates of downloaded programs
- purchase available paid programs

For the convenience of finding the necessary product in the program, you can choose the type of application.


To install the desired application, you need to:

1. Select the app, click install, agree to the license agreement, and click Continue.


2. After this you need to choose the installation path.
IMPORTANT! It is necessary that the folder where the program will be installed is empty.


3. After selecting the directory, click Continue.

4. Select Execute and the installation process begins.


5. After installation, you can use the program.

To delete the program, select delete and click Continue.


To repair, select repair and click Continue.


Installer independently tracks all software updates and updates itself automatically. Therefore, there is no need to delete it after installation.
Installer is not closed by clicking on the "X" in the program window, but is closed via the toolbar, select the menu (using the right mouse button) Close.

You can also check for updates by clicking the check for updates button in the right corner of the program window.


If updates are available, a notification will appear.


To purchase paid apps, select the software you need and click the Buy button.


< 1 2 3 4 5  > >>

Date: 12/17/2020


Looks like somebody put in a ton of work on this automated installer. Much appreciated!

Significant problem here, though.

First, running latest Windows 10, I don't have an Unblock choice. Doesn't 'seem' to be affecting the install, though

Second, at the end of the bat file, I get the error msg in the attached screenshot.


Lastly, when I OK that msg, the console shows up but with the APPS tab showing no Apps, so I cannot continue.

I'd really love to see how the full install works out... so what do I do next?


ScreenshotErrors.PNG 67 KB (539) image7059.png 56 KB (482)


Date: 12/18/2020

Thanks but, sadly, NOT FIXED ;)

I did a clean install from a fresh download of your zip file just now.

I then added a PAUSE statement at the end of your BAT file. The result, I was able to capture, at the tail end:

12:43:44.357 | ProgressHelper | STATUS: Updates check complete
12:43:44.357 | ProductProvider | nuget: unlocked
12:43:44.358 | ProductProvider | sleep for 1.00:00:00
12:43:44.359 | S#.Installer.Console | System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (can't install this product. independent=True, packageavailable=True, installed=True)
---> System.InvalidOperationException: can't install this product. independent=True, packageavailable=True, installed=True
at StockSharp.Installer.Product.InstallAsync(ProductVersion version, String dir, CancellationToken token)
at StockSharp.Installer.Console.Program.ExecuteAsync()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
at StockSharp.Installer.Console.Program.Main(String[] args)
12:43:44.371 | ConfigProvider | saving app cache to D:\MerlinOne\Documents\StockSharp\Installer\installer_apps.xml
12:43:44.496 | ProductProvider | product provider main task is canceled

Press any key to continue . . .

Please get me an Early XMas Present of a clean install. This is much needed if I'm going to be able to use StockSharp.

If you need my further help in debugging this, my system and I are at your disposal.


Cam Zhao

Date: 12/18/2020

Finally I got it installed.

This was what I did:

1) Delete all old installed .net
2) Download and install .net desktop from here:
3) Install .net desktop
4) Delete old installer zip and re-download and unlock and extract
5) Delete old files ~User/Documents/StockShart
6) Disable FW or add rule for installer in nortorn
6) Install - Yahoo!

Many thanks

Sergey Sokolov

Date: 12/19/2020

Thanks but, sadly, NOT FIXED ;)

I did a clean install from a fresh download of your zip file just now.

I then added a PAUSE statement at the end of your BAT file. The result, I was able to capture, at the tail end:

12:43:44.357 | ProgressHelper | STATUS: Updates check complete
12:43:44.357 | ProductProvider | nuget: unlocked
12:43:44.358 | ProductProvider | sleep for 1.00:00:00
12:43:44.359 | S#.Installer.Console | System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (can't install this product. independent=True, packageavailable=True, installed=True)
---> System.InvalidOperationException: can't install this product. independent=True, packageavailable=True, installed=True
at StockSharp.Installer.Product.InstallAsync(ProductVersion version, String dir, CancellationToken token)
at StockSharp.Installer.Console.Program.ExecuteAsync()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
at StockSharp.Installer.Console.Program.Main(String[] args)
12:43:44.371 | ConfigProvider | saving app cache to D:\MerlinOne\Documents\StockSharp\Installer\installer_apps.xml
12:43:44.496 | ProductProvider | product provider main task is canceled

Press any key to continue . . .

Please get me an Early XMas Present of a clean install. This is much needed if I'm going to be able to use StockSharp.

If you need my further help in debugging this, my system and I are at your disposal.


It looks like your are using outdated version of installer.
Please download updated installer from
and run .bat file from this archive.


Date: 12/19/2020

Thanks Cam Zhao :)

I skipped step 1 and 6. I suspect the Step 5 was the culprit. I cleared all except the credentials.xml (which has my UID and PW to be able to autolog in during the install.bat procedure.

Everything worked as advertised, and the install of all the free components worked like a charm.

MAJOR KUDOS to the StockSharp team for investing the time and resources in order to produce a VERY professional install, particularly for all of those who are not fluent in Russian :) lol

I haven't looked yet, but the next challenge will be the User Manuals and the YouTube channel (which I found completely unusable in the past).

Thanks again Cam and to the StockSharp Team who made this possible.


Cam Zhao

Date: 12/19/2020

It seems you got same issue as mine. Did u see my steps.

Try to delete the installer extracted folder AND the stockshark data folder in your Document folder (from there you will find your installation installer/logs


Sergey Sokolov
Thanks but, sadly, NOT FIXED ;)

I did a clean install from a fresh download of your zip file just now.

I then added a PAUSE statement at the end of your BAT file. The result, I was able to capture, at the tail end:

12:43:44.357 | ProgressHelper | STATUS: Updates check complete
12:43:44.357 | ProductProvider | nuget: unlocked
12:43:44.358 | ProductProvider | sleep for 1.00:00:00
12:43:44.359 | S#.Installer.Console | System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (can't install this product. independent=True, packageavailable=True, installed=True)
---> System.InvalidOperationException: can't install this product. independent=True, packageavailable=True, installed=True
at StockSharp.Installer.Product.InstallAsync(ProductVersion version, String dir, CancellationToken token)
at StockSharp.Installer.Console.Program.ExecuteAsync()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
at StockSharp.Installer.Console.Program.Main(String[] args)
12:43:44.371 | ConfigProvider | saving app cache to D:\MerlinOne\Documents\StockSharp\Installer\installer_apps.xml
12:43:44.496 | ProductProvider | product provider main task is canceled

Press any key to continue . . .

Please get me an Early XMas Present of a clean install. This is much needed if I'm going to be able to use StockSharp.

If you need my further help in debugging this, my system and I are at your disposal.


It looks like your are using outdated version of installer.
Please download updated installer from
and run .bat file from this archive.


Jun Feng

Date: 1/3/2021

18:23:42.302 | ProfileHelper | login error: System.InvalidOperationException: Error connection
---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。.
---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10054): 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
at Ecng.Serialization.BinaryHelper.ReadBytes(Stream stream, Byte[] buffer, Int32 len, Int32 pos)
at Ecng.Serialization.BinaryHelper.ReadByteEx(Stream stream, Byte[] buffer)
at StockSharp.Fix.Native.BaseFixReader.ReadByte()
at StockSharp.Fix.Native.TextFixReader.ReadTag()
at StockSharp.Fix.Native.Extensions.#=zmNphM38=(IFixReader #=zAFMNCKw=, FixTags #=zuTwty2dU1f_X)
at StockSharp.Fix.Native.Extensions.ReadHeader(IFixReader reader, Boolean skipBeginString, String expectedVersion)
at StockSharp.Fix.Dialects.BaseFixDialect.#=zOZSN7MnkrZYC94p6ghmgzJ2DwwhU_YSxCv$hU7I6RNM5(Action`1 #=zAe1JROC8QqgH)
at StockSharp.Fix.FixMessageAdapter.#=zZ$vmI14cpnIp(IFixDialect #=zn1X5CQK8tqBK, Int32 #=zFkCjxv8ae_x4cFmu5ib52Jk=)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at StockSharp.Algo.TraderHelper.<>c__DisplayClass135_0.<DoConnect>b__1()
at Ecng.Common.Converter.<>c__DisplayClass22_0.<DoInCulture>b__0()
at Ecng.Common.Converter.DoInCulture[T](CultureInfo cultureInfo, Func`1 func)
at Ecng.Common.Converter.DoInCulture(CultureInfo cultureInfo, Action action)
at StockSharp.Algo.TraderHelper.DoConnect(IMessageAdapter adapter, IEnumerable`1 requests, Boolean waitResponse, Func`2 newMessage)
at StockSharp.Algo.TraderHelper.Download[TResult](IMessageAdapter adapter, Message request)
at StockSharp.Community.FIX.BaseFixClient.Do[TResult](Message message)
at StockSharp.Community.FIX.AuthenticationClient.Login()
at StockSharp.Community.FIX.AuthenticationClient.StockSharp.Community.IAuthenticationClient.Login()
at StockSharp.Installer.ProfileHelper.TryLogin(ServerCredentials cred, Boolean force)
at StockSharp.Installer.ProfileHelper.LoginAsync()


Date: 1/15/2021


I get the following message and when I press any key the window disappears.

21:53:39.934 | S#.Installer.Console | no arguments
21:53:39.978 | S#.Installer.Console | Usage: StockSharp.Installer.Console.exe [--forcecheck] [--allowcache] [--pre] [--noerror] [--backup_settings] [--cleardir] show [package_id]|show_updates|show_installed|install package_id path [run_exe_name]|update package_id [run_exe_name]|repair package_id [run_exe_name]|remove package_id
21:53:39.982 | S#.Installer.Console | press any key to continue...


Date: 1/16/2021


I now just get the .bat file that appears for a short time. I have tried uninstalling all net frameworks and installing only the .NET core 3.1 also have followed all the steps.

Any ideas or workarounds?


Nick L

Date: 1/17/2021

So yesterday I had Stocksharp installed on my PC for the first time and all was working fine. This morning I opened up Stocksharp Installer and found several packages needed updating. I clicked on update/continue and it looked like the packages were installed, however the installer will not start now. I did see you needed dotnet5 so I installed this. I tried removing Stocksharp (deleting installer directory and the one in my documents) and re-installing but to no avail.

Any thoughts?
Cheers, Nick
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