Hydra -
free software to automatically load and store market data.
A great choice of market data sources: Yahoo Finance, Quandl, FinViz, FIX/FAST, LMAX, DukasCopy, TrueFX, Oanda, MBTrading, GainCapital, Rithmic, Blackwood/Fusion, Interactive Brokers, OpenECry, Sterling, IQFeed, E*Trade, BTCE, BitStamp, BitStamp, Bitfinex, Coinbase, Kraken, Poloniex, GDAX, Bittrex, Bithumb, HitBTC, OKCoin, Coincheck, Binance, Liqui, CEX.IO, Cryptopia, OKEx, BitMEX, YoBit, Livecoin, EXMO, Deribit, Huobi, KuCoin, BITEXBOOK, CoinExchange, ITCH, QuantFEED and many other.
Supports all markets (American, European, Asian, Russian; stock, futures, options, bitcoins, forex, etc.).
History and real-time market data of all types (candlesticks, level1, level2, ticks, order books, order logs, open interest (OI), options, bonds and many other types).
Supreme data compression (
2 bytes for a transaction, 7 bytes for an order book).
Stores data as either .bin or classical .csv .
Data backup.
Friendly data copy (Windows Explorer).
Export / import to several formats (.csv, Excel, .xml, directly to database).
Allows convert one-type data to another (e.g., ticks to candlesticks).

Can be started as a
stand alone server.
Scheduled operation.
Simple integration with
S#.Studio and
Program access to stored data via API.