How to use a purchased connector in your projects

How to use a purchased connector in your projects

After you purchased a connector, it will start to show as available in the S#.Installer application.

If you still see that the purchased connector doesn't show as available, please check updates using special "check updates" button in S#.Installer:
After the update check is complete, the connector will show as available.
If this still does not happen, you may contact our technical support.

Connector purchase means that you will have access to NuGet package with the connector library which you may use in your own projects.
How to use NuGet packages in your projects

After you successfully installed the connector's NuGet package into your project in Visual Studio, you may start using classes and methods from the connector's library as well as StockSharp's core library.


Attach files by dragging & dropping, , or pasting from the clipboard.
