Simple Bar chart pattern commonly used in technical analysis.

Simple Bar chart pattern commonly used in technical analysis.

Simple Bar Chart Pattern

Before you delve into the different types of bar charts, let"s talk about some simple ones. With a few bars before In fact, these simple patterns There is not much interest in technical analysis. Maybe because it"s too simple that we think it doesn"t matter. But these patterns There are many The concept is quite close to the Japanese Candlestick, so knowing some of this pattern would not be damaged. Whether to use it or not is another matter.


Upside Reversal (R+) and Downside Reversal (R-)

***It is a form of short-term change in direction. By relying on only 2 bars plus short-term trends of the past data.

Upside Reversal is a case where the trend is short-term. The past of the price is trending down. And today"s low is less than yesterday"s low, but today"s close is higher than yesterday"s close show that there has been Trying to push the price even lower than yesterday. Simple Bar Chart Pattern there was buying momentum in during the day. This allows the closing price to move higher. More than yesterday There is a chance that the market will rebound to an upward trend in the short term.

Downside Reversal is the same as Upside Reversal, just the opposite. In other words, the short-term trend is an uptrend and today"s high is higher than yesterday"s high. But today"s close is lower than yesterday"s close.


Key Upside Reversal (KR+) and Key Downside Reversal (KR-)

This is a special case of Upside and Downside Reversals, which gives a stronger signal. That is to say, in the case of the Key Upside Reversal, unless today"s low is lower than yesterday"s low. But today"s close is higher than yesterday. As in the case of Upside Reversal, today"s high is also higher than yesterday"s high.

Likewise, in the case of Key Downside Reversal, one additional condition is required: today"s lowest price must be Below yesterday"s low

***Some technical analysts say that the KR+ and KR- provide accurate signals. If during the KR birth date there is a strong trading volume and noticeably higher But some people are not so strict with this rule. Especially when using the KR with other technical tools.


Close on High (COH) and Close on Low (COL)

Close On High is when today"s close is very close to the high of the day. Range from the highest price down to the closing price, no more than 10% of the highest price to the lowest price. Observed from today"s close near the high price.

Close On Low is the same as today"s close has closed near its lowest. It can be observed from the range from the closing price. Come for the lowest price no more than 10% of the highest price range find the lowest price.

***The importance of COH and COL depends on the length of the rod. Note that the longer the bars, the more COH and COL are important. However, the COH and COL signals are very weak. But if combined with other signals for example, R+, R-, KR+, KR- can also be used as a confirmation signal for a short-term change in direction. In addition, if COH and COL two days are combined, it will get another signal which will be discussed in the next topic.

High to Low Close Signal (HLC) and Low to High Close Signal (LHC)

High to Low Close Signal is when the first day of birth Close on High (COH) and the second day Close on Low (COL) immediately follow. This signal indicates that the market is likely to go down (Bearish). The Low to High Close signal is Conversely, the first day of COL was born and the second day immediately COH was born, the latter signal indicating that attempts to bring down the price on the first day were unsuccessful on the second day. It also encountered a force in the opposite direction. It is likely a signal of a change in direction.

***In addition, the HLC and LHC will provide a more accurate signal. If its form occurs simultaneously with R or KR

3 Highs (3H+) and 3 Lows (3L-)

This is a simple pattern: if today"s close is the highest price for the last 3 days" closing price, it’s a 3H+ which is a Bullish Signal. Below the 3 day closing price will be 3L- which is a bearish signal. In fact, 3H+ and 3L- are suitable for use in conjunction with cyclical analysis. Especially when born The signal is close to the transition phase of the cycle.

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