Messages of user isaacapuano. Search. StockSharp

Apr 24, 2020 - I downloaded version 4.4.17 from a link the support team sent me and the crypto connectors and install instructions from this link (i re...

Jan 29, 2020 - I am sorry but I cannot understand from where you downloaded the code on your video. Please use this direct link There code missed 2 points: 1) It ...

Jan 19, 2020 - I downloaded the version 4.4.17, and now when I click stettings there is no list of connectors anymore, it appears all white 1) Did you unblock the archive before unzip? 2) Please try to add as refer...

Jan 18, 2020 - I downloaded the materials from here, Please the following links (any, not all) 1)

Jan 17, 2020 - I downloaded the materials from here, I'm not sure how to do the search request, in the video on minute 14 Yury clicks on the securities and starts t...

Jan 14, 2020 - Hello, I tried to follow this video (, I did exactly every step like the video but the securities never showed up, I'm upload...