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We’ve discussed about crypto-trading previously and today we continue our talk![happy] Let’s take a look at one of the methods given by trader Hacker Moon and expl...
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As mentioned earlier, an important advantage of working through FIX Protocol is the ability to use limit orders FOK ('Fill or Kill') and IOC ('Immediate Or Cancel'). Their ...
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Today it is impossible to imagine stock trading without the use of FIX Protocol. However, it appeared relatively recently - in 1992. The increase in speed and data volume has pro...
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FIX Protocol is a mechanism of trade data exchange. The system itself consists of two data streams: incoming and outgoing, presented in the form of messages (administrative and user).
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FIX Protocol has found great application among traders, let's look at why. Financial Information Exchange, it stands as an abbreviation FIX.
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The creation of the FIX Protocol, in 1992 , revolutionized the world of stock trading. The purpose of its creation was to make [b] a convenient high-speed method of transmitting and receiving e...
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