Tariff IT Dev - business opportunity for a programmer

Tariff IT Dev - business opportunity for a programmer

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Dear Friends,

We have already published several news about the Tariffs Pricing, but today we will talk separately about the IT Dev tariff.

We made the IT Dev tariff especially for programmers. First of all - for those who want to make strategies, trading programs, robots or other useful things for our users (paid and free). And, of course, for those who make custom programs for our other users.

Let's work together!

What StockSharp will give you:
  1. Our platform is a commercial product with lots of connectors.
  2. Our ready user base is over 22 thousand verified users.
  3. Our store. You want to make a robot or a connector - we will place it in our store and make a newsletter.
  4. You don't have to worry about installing your product or how it gets to your customer - Installer will do it for you. Just upload updates - and they will immediately appear to all your users.
  5. You do not need to create a website to describe your brainchild - a personal product page will do it for you, such as for the Designer.
  6. You do not need to set up bank card accepting - we accept payments from all countries.
  7. Our core, like our connectors, is cross-platform. This means that you can make solutions not only for other operating systems (such as MacOS), but also for mobile and web platforms.
  8. Our processes are fully automated through the existence of StockSharp Web Services, which you will have access to as a developer. Obtaining licenses for the correct operation of your programs automatically for the user is achievable. Your client does not need to contact us with a request to generate a license (even if it's Free). This is especially true for mobile programs, because they are located in their stores.
  9. Zero costs for both you and your clients! Yes, yes, we can make it so that your client does not need to purchase connectors or other paid options of our platform separately. Bought from you - started to use!
  10. Support - for IT from IT. If you don't know how to make a connector or find it difficult to understand how best to implement a certain action with StockSharp - we'll tell you.
  11. Audit. For a long time working with users, we have accumulated a huge experience in understanding what traders really need. We will help give you recommendations on how best to make your product.

What is most interesting for StockSharp and our users:
  1. Analytical programs that simplify the search for ideas and trading in general.
  2. Mobile applications and web services.
  3. Connection to popular brokers and exchanges.
  4. Unique idea 🙂

What we are not interested in:
  1. Program/script - using another platform or program.
  2. Unfinished(=poor quality) product. Before advertising to our users, we will conduct internal testing.
  3. Robots, without confirmed profitability.

What do you need to get the access? Just write to us at info@stocksharp.com and tell us about yourself and your plans (what do you want to do using our platform, and how would you like to distribute it). Start your business with StockSharp!


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