Interactive Brokers API-what you need to know.

Interactive Brokers API-what you need to know.

For any trader who wants to play big, there comes a time when he needs to enter the international trading markets and, in particular, one of the largest markets – the US market. The abundance of brokers providing their services to the trader is not always beneficial, as various offers and conditions often put the trader at a standstill.
Let's look at the largest by the number of transactions per trading day company Interactive Brokers. Today, we can safely say that this company is the most technologically advanced company in the States in its field providing users with various types of connection to work through Interactive Brokers API.
It is very important that the broker works not only with US citizens, but also foreigners and tries to fully provide all technical support to foreign users.
A little history about Interactive Brokers. This broker has been working in the US market since the late 70s. For all the time of its work, the broker has established itself as a reliable, advanced in information technology partner. An important fact is that the broker is the only one in its field in the US market has its own clearing company. From 2010 to 2017, according to experts, Barron's Interactive Brokers was awarded the title of leader among online brokers. The broker is among the top ten, according to the resource, among online brokers. To date, the equity of the broker amounted to more than $6 billion, the market value ranges from $16 billion.


One of the important aspects to get started is opening an account with a broker. What are the positive aspects of broker account registration at Interactive Brokers:
- Registration takes place online, in which you fill out the necessary forms to open;
- Copies of documents for opening a brokerage account must be provided in electronic form.
After a few days, after the verification your account will be activated. Do not rush to transfer money before the end of the test, as you will not be able to use them until the documents are checked.


After it became available for the management of a brokerage account in the personal Cabinet you need to create a request for replenishment of funds.
Different currencies can be used to replenish the account, which simplifies the task for users.
Let's look at what types of platforms Interactive Brokers offers for trading:
- Mobile version of the platform, which enables online trading through mobile gadgets with iOS and Android operating systems;
- Desktop version of the platform Trader Workstation (TWS), which is a full-fledged terminal for work


- WEB application - WebTrader, built on HTML, allowing online use of trading functions and tools.
The Interactive Brokers API requires special attention. With all the positive reviews about Interactive Brokers, there is a very important point. The broker provides open source code to create its own application based on its API.
Many users who first open Trader Workstation, the desktop version of the terminal, are confused. The abundance of seemingly different related information on the screen leads to confusion. Quite a long time design, makes use of the terminal is very inconvenient and causing a large number of questions.
In order to correct the situation, the broker provided access to the Interactive Brokers API libraries, so that each user would have the opportunity to create their own terminal.


Applications that are created using Interactive Brokers API have full functionality, have access to the user's open accounts, access to market data and trading charts.
A wide range of programming languages is limited only by the choice of operating system for some of them:


Having the ability to create their own application, the user creates a convenient environment for work. For the convenience of creating your application, we recommend using our S#.API.
This program allows you to use libraries to create the necessary software product for the trader – terminal, using the C#. The library's own API, allows you to expand the capabilities of the created terminal. The integrated ability to connect through the necessary Protocol, such as FIX Protocol, through our connectors, allows you to simplify the user's work, thereby reducing the time for the development and adaptation of the application to work on the trading floor.

Craig McWilliams

Date: 4/27/2020

Hello. Thank you Max. This was a very thorough and well written article. I am having difficulty downloading data from IB. Can you help me please? Specifically, what is the "Code" variable in the Hydra Download Securities dialog box? What values are acceptable please?
image8480.png 78 KB (500)


Date: 5/1/2020


This is a symbol code. For example, AAPL for Apple stock.

Attach files by dragging & dropping, , or pasting from the clipboard.
