We are excited to introduce new updates to the charts in 10, significantly improving market data analysis and making trading more convenient for users. This update brings improvements to the Box Chart and Cluster Chart, including buy and sell separation, support for dynamic price grouping steps, and percentage steps for the XO and Renko charts. Let\u0027s take a closer look at these new features. Box Chart Buy and sell volumes are now displayed separately, making it easier to analyze market sentiment. The color separation helps to quickly navigate the data. image3389.png Cluster Chart The addition of buy and sell separation allows for a more accurate analysis of volumes at each price level. image8648.png Dynamic Price Grouping Step Support The dynamic price grouping step now automatically adjusts to market activity, which is particularly useful for instruments with small price steps, such as cryptocurrencies. Terminal_Cluster_PriceStep.gif Percentage Step Support for XO and Renko In the XO and Renko charts, you can now set price changes in percentage steps, making these charts more flexible for analyzing volatile assets like cryptocurrencies or stocks. Benefits of the Update - Buy and sell volume separation for more accurate market analysis. - Dynamic price grouping step for assets with small price changes, such as cryptocurrencies. - Percentage steps for XO and Renko charts to adapt to different market conditions. Conclusion The new chart features in 10 provide traders with greater flexibility and accuracy in analyzing market data. The enhanced Box Chart and Cluster Chart with volume separation, dynamic price grouping step, and percentage steps in XO and Renko charts will help you better analyze the market and make more informed trading decisions. Try the updated charts today and experience the advantages of the new functionality!