Something about StockSharp's source codes.

Something about StockSharp's source codes.

Hello all!
We very often receive your messages with questions about source codes. Yes, we provide our sources and it is possible to buy it.

First of all, we offer the sources of every part of our platform: starting from charting component and single connectors and whole applications, like S#.Terminal, S#.Designer, S#.Data.

Let me repeat this again, you can buy every part of Stocksharp platform, not only listed on our page "Pricing".
Also, white label licensing allow using the sources into your own projects without additional fees, which help to save the time and budget on development

At the list below you can find every part of our platform with prices:

  • Connectors with full source codes

    • FIX/FAST connector - $6490
    • ITCH (LSE/NASDAQ) connector - $4990
    • QuantFEED connector - $3990
    • License for all connectors - $12400.

  • Connectors to trading via MetaTrader4, MetaTrader5 with full source codes

    • МТ4 - $1190
    • МТ5 - $1190
    • МТ4 и МТ5 - $1990
  • Cryptoconnectors with full source codes:

    • Any cryptoconnector on your selection - $2500
    • All cryptoconnectors - $12400

  • StockSharp applications with full source codes

    • S#.Shell - $590
    • S#.Matlab - $1490
    • S#.Designer - $9900
    • S#.Terminal - $9900
    • S#.Hydra - $9900

  • S#.API compomemts with full source codes

    • S#.API - charting component - $3750
    • S#.API - visual designer component (used in S#.Designer) - $2990
    • S#.API - tabels, panels - $2500
    • S#.API - any proprietary connector on your selection (for example InteractiveBrokers, LMAX) - $1190
    • S#.API - all proprietary connectors - $4900
    • S#.API - $12400

  • All StockSharp source codes: connectors, applications, components - $74000

If you are interested in buying any part os Stocksharp source codes email us on:


Todor Kolev

Date: 11/20/2019

We need the source code of the Ecng dll-s to compile the open-source S#.API for .NET Core. Can you please quote the price for this component?

Юрий Басангов

Date: 11/20/2019

Todor Kolev
We need the source code of the Ecng dll-s to compile the open-source S#.API for .NET Core. Can you please quote the price for this component?

Hello, thank you for your interest.
Ecng is our mini-framework included in S#.API, the price for that part of codes is 2 500$.
If you will have any other questions or would like to make a deal pls write an email on


Todor Kolev

Date: 11/29/2019

Hi Yury, thanks for your reply!

Let me also thank you for the great work you've done with StockSharp! I was using it two years ago for one of my projects, where we basically made S# horizontally scalable on top of Service Fabric. It was a Windows setup, so everything worked well with the compiled Ecng dlls.

We are now reimplementing this project using entirely open stack with .NET Core, Azure Functions and Apache Ignite. The infrastructure part of the project actually ended up as a nice serverless stream processing framework, which is also open-source:

For the trading engine we just wanted to port our old code from Service Fabric to Azure Functions, but to do so we have to compile S# for .NET Core, which is impossible, as we need the Encg dlls. I understand your business model and you deserve to be paid for the great work you do. It will be nice though, if you can just compile .NET Core versions of Encg, so people can use it in open stack setups.

Healthy competition is what drives progress, so it's also worth mentioning that QuantConnect's Lean framework is already much more open than S# and it's not bad at all:
Thanks: Mikhail Sukhov

Mikhail Sukhov

Date: 12/18/2019

Todor Kolev

Let me also thank you for the great work you've done with StockSharp! I was using it two years ago for one of my projects, where we basically made S# horizontally scalable on top of Service Fabric. It was a Windows setup, so everything worked well with the compiled Ecng dlls.

Thank you for your feedback. We will review your request. Currently, we do not have exact dates for .NET Core migration but we will do it for someday.

For this time we recommend using .NET FW.


Date: 4/21/2020

Hi there,

I tried to send email to you. it seems is not reachable in my country, so I submit my questions here. I want to buy S# designer source codes, I know the price is $9900. But I don't know which components source codes will be included, could you give me more details about this please? and If I pay the money, where I can get the source codes?

and I also noticed S#5.0 is released, if I buy the S# designer source codes, will I get the latest version 5.0 of S# designer?
I am looking forward to your reply.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Юрий Басангов

Date: 4/21/2020

Hi there,

I tried to send email to you. it seems is not reachable in my country, so I submit my questions here. I want to buy S# designer source codes, I know the price is $9900. But I don't know which components source codes will be included, could you give me more details about this please? and If I pay the money, where I can get the source codes?

and I also noticed S#5.0 is released, if I buy the S# designer source codes, will I get the latest version 5.0 of S# designer?
I am looking forward to your reply.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Hello, I have tried to answer from my personal e-mail: bas******
Have you got my message?


Date: 4/22/2020

Yury Basangov
Hi there,

I tried to send email to you. it seems is not reachable in my country, so I submit my questions here. I want to buy S# designer source codes, I know the price is $9900. But I don't know which components source codes will be included, could you give me more details about this please? and If I pay the money, where I can get the source codes?

and I also noticed S#5.0 is released, if I buy the S# designer source codes, will I get the latest version 5.0 of S# designer?
I am looking forward to your reply.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Hello, I have tried to answer from my personal e-mail: bas******
Have you got my message?

I already got your email. Thank you very much! I'll check the details and get back to you.

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